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A.S.A.P. (A Safety Awareness Plan)


Anaheim Hills Little League

Anaheim, CA

Managers and Coaches

2023 Safety Manual/ ASAP Plan

League ID numbers:




Table of contents AHLL ASAP Safety Plan 2023


Title            Page Number(s)

Introduction                                                                                                                       3

AHLL Emergency Numbers                                                                                           4

AHLL Board of Directors and Contact Numbers                                                   5

EMS Activation Crescent and Anaheim Hills Elementary                                  6-7

AED Location and Instructions for use                                                                     8-10

Background Checks and Live Scan Fingerprinting                                                11-13

Coaching Clinic and Safety/ First Aid Meeting                                                      14

Covid 19 Guidelines                                                                                                        15-22

AHLL Code of Conduct                                                                                                   23

AHLL Safety Code                                                                                                              24

AHLL Concession Stand Safety Guidelines                                                                25-31

Hand Washing                                                                                                                   26

Communicable Disease Management                                                                     33

Accident Reporting Procedures                                                                                 34-36

Medical Emergency Guidelines/ Environmental Factors                                  37-38

Baseball Bat Standards                                                                                                  40

Pitch Counts                                                                                                                       40-43

Coach’s Meeting Agenda                                                                                              40-45

Umpire Clinic Agenda                                                                                                     45-47

Manager/ Coach Application                                                                                       48-51

2022 AHLL Bylaws                                                                                                            52-77

Helmet C-Flap Standards                                                                                              78

Child Safety, Protection and Abuse Awareness Program                                 79-81

Sudden Cardiac Arrest                                                                                                   82

Introduction and Purpose

“ASAP” - What is it? 


In 1995, ASAP, A Safety Awareness Program, was introduced with the goal of re-emphasizing the position of the Safety Officer to create awareness through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for kids and all participants of Little League. 


This manual is offered to provide important information to all Anaheim Hills Little League (AHLL) Managers, Coaches and Volunteers


Safety is everyone’s job!     

Prevention is the key to reducing accidents.





AHLL Emergency Phone Numbers:


Anaheim Memorial Medical Center       714-774-1450

St Joseph Hospital                                    714-771-8233

St Jude Medical Center                            714-871-3280

Placentia Linda Hospital                          714-993-2000

Kaiser Permanente – Anaheim               800-984-4400

       Police – Emergency                                  911

Police – Anaheim                                      714-765-1900

Police – Anaheim Hills Substation          714-765-3801















Anaheim Hills Little League 2023 Board of Directors


Board Position                        Name                                      Email                                                     

President                                 Jose Cruz                             [email protected]                      

Vice President                        Rick Hayden               [email protected]                 

Secretary                                 Ann Mino                               [email protected]                    

Treasurer                                Rachele Woodruff                [email protected]                            

Player Agnt AA, AAA, MJR      Patrick Kerin                          [email protected]         

Player Agnt  TB, Rookie, A      Patrick Kerin                                                   

League Information Officer    Patricia Shappard                                                                                        

Umpire in Charge                    Thomas Walden                   [email protected]                         

Fields Coordinator  Derek Walters                      [email protected]         

Coaching Coordinator               Charley Heintz                            

Sponsorship/ Fundraising       Dani Lacy                         [email protected]                          

Concessions Manager             Kristen Hayden                   [email protected]                           

Safety                                      Brent Czar                         [email protected]                           



*The phone list will be posted in the snack bars and dugouts for emergency access. 

*Copies of this plan will be placed in the snack bar and distributed to all staff. 

*This information is also available for review on the AHLL website:

*The safety plan for 2022 was completed by Matt Stresak, AHLL Safety Officer who is on file with Little League Headquarters





Activating 911 at Crescent Elementary

Have phone and Emergency cards with you during all events (practice/ games).

When calling 911, speak slow and clear.  Each team will designate three (3) adults in advance for EMS activation.

First adult retrieves gate key from snack shack Crescent Field (see picture below) and unlock gate (red arrow) for ambulance field entrance.

Send second adult to the nearest ambulance access point and let operator know this person is available to direct EMS to specific location (blue arrow).

Notify parents – third adult.

Keep sports participants away from the injured

Provide calm re-assurance that help is one the way


Activating 911 at Anaheim Hills Elementary

Have phone and Emergency cards with you during all events (practice/ games).

When calling 911, speak slow and clear. 

Each team will designate three (3) adults in advance for EMS activation.

Send first adult to the nearest ambulance access point (blue arrow) and let operator know this person is available to direct EMS to specific ambulance entrance point (red arrow – second adult).

Notify parents – third adult.

Keep sports participants away from the injured

Provide calm re-assurance that help is one the way







AEDs are located in the snack shacks of Crescent and Anaheim Hills Elementary.  Clearly marked signage next to the first aid supplies. 


AED Operating Instructions








Electronic Background Checks

Anaheim Hills Little League is always looking for responsible and enthusiastic individuals to support and coordinate Little League events and activities! 

During player registration, please select the volunteer tab and choose from a variety of volunteer positions. 

All Volunteers (Managers, Coaches, Team Coordinators, Concessions and Volunteer Team Parents) must be complete a mandatory background check.

Background checks will be completed through JDP Palatine (official background check of Little League International).  Please expect an email from JDP Palatine with link for completion of the mandatory check.   The background will include checks from the Department of Justice’s nationwide sex offender registry and supplemental criminal records.

The email notification from JDP and accompanying link will be used only once, is specific to each volunteer and will expire within two weeks.  All information is confidential and takes less than 5 minutes to complete.  

**There is no additional charge for the background check**

Individuals who have not been cleared or refusing the background check will be excluded from participation with AHLL.  The background check completion is monitored closely and frequently by the league’s safety officer Matt Stresak.


Live Scan (in person fingerprinting)

State of California passed CA AB-506 – Youth service organizations: Child abuse and neglect prevention effective January 1, 2022.  This law Requires a fingerprint-based background check and child abuse and neglect reporting training for individuals who volunteer more than 16 hours a month or 32 hours a year.  For Anaheim Hills Little League, this includes coaches, managers, board members, umpires, and volunteer team parents. 

Volunteers will be required to go through this process for each league and/or other non-profit they volunteer for; therefore, it is strictly prohibited to share the fingerprint background check results with other local Little Leagues or other non-profits.  Request an ORI (AHLL Pending specific) number from and complete fingerprinting at nearest Live Scan Location.


As of the writing of this safety plan, Anaheim Hills Little has successfully submitted the required Department of Justice application, but not the league specific ORI used at Live Scan Locations.  The league received word from District 30 Safety Coordinator Jeff Key that DOJ backlog was between 14-16 weeks.  Please see screen shots of these emails below.  AHLL will monitor this situation closely at it unfolds.



California Department of Justice email recognizing submission of application for Live Scan:









District 30 Safety Officer Jeff Key’s email response CAAB506










Coaching Fundamentals Training

At least one (1) Manager or Coach from each team must attend a fundamentals training program (hitting, sliding, fielding, pitching and practice planning).  Training qualifies the volunteer for three (3) years, but one team representative is still required yearly to attend.  Training completed January 29, 2022, by AHLL Coaching Coordinator Derek Walters.  The two hour clinic emphasized safety and included teaching proper warm up, baseball fundamentals, time and practice management, guidelines for field care, routine equipment, review of rules and specific bylaws for AHLL and field safety checks. 


First Aid Clinic/Safety Meeting

At least one (1) Manager or Coach from each team must attend first aid and safety training.  This is mandatory. Training qualifies the volunteer for three (3) years, but one team representative is still required yearly to attend.

Training completed online via Zoom on January 25, 2022, by Safety Coordinator Matt Stresak, PAC, ATC, CSCS.  Power point presentation covered the following topics in detail:

1.      Current CDC, State and Municipal COVID-19 guidelines (see next section for details)

2.      New State of California Laws for Child Abuse prevention and recognition.

3.      JDP Palatine background checks in addition to future Live Scan fingerprinting.

4.      State of California mandatory Concussion awareness.  This included tools for basic on field assessment, management and follow up care with emphasis on no return to same day sport if concussion is suspected.

5.      USA Baseball Bat Standard 2018 review.

6.      Proper helmet fitting and recognition of NOCSAE certification.

7.      C-Flap use with approved NOCSAE certification and accompanying manufacturer letter.

8.      CPR review with changes from Airway, Breathing and Compressions to updated Compression, Airway and Breathing American Heart Association Guidelines.

9.      Normal Pediatric Vitals signs given customary age of Little League Participants

10.  Sudden Cardiac Arrest signs, symptoms and management

11.  Automatic External Defibrillator use, location and safety.

12.  Activation of EMS/ 911 for Both AHLL field locations with advance planning (see pages 5-6 of this manual)

13.  Basic first aid including bleeding control, sprain/ strain symptoms and management, heat illness (heat exhaustion to heat stroke) signs, symptoms and management

14.  Hydration and fluid management

15.  Signs and symptom recognition for little league shoulder and elbow




Covid-19  Guidelines Anaheim Hills Little League
Updated 2/4/2022


Anaheim Hills Little League (AHLL) will implement the following guidelines during the Covid-19 pandemic.  These practices have been compiled using guidelines from Little League International, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), California Department of Public Health, City of Anaheim and Major League Baseball. This plan has been reviewed and approved by the AHLL Board and is subject to change. 

Below are important websites for the most up to date information on COVID-19 for the State and County

COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools in California, 2021-22 School Year

K-12 Guidance 2021-22 School Year (

California Department of Public Health  (historical) Outdoor and Indoor Youth and Recreational Adult Sports

Orange County Department of Heath Guidance for Schools and Youth sports

Guidance: Schools & Youth Sports | Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (

COVID-19 General Guidance:

-Covid-19 is spread by air droplets and the opportunity to pass along infection is always possible even without symptoms or feeling sick.

-Face masks/ facial covering will be required for those unvaccinated when entering the zone that encompasses in front of the snack shack at Crescent and Anaheim Hills Elementary when large gatherings are present.

-Hand washing with soap and water for 20 seconds after being in public place, coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.  Use of a hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol can be used in place of soap and water.  Cover all surfaces of your hands and let sanitizer air dry.  Hand sanitizer will be provided by the league for most common areas.  Individuals are encouraged to bring their own for personal use.

-Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

-Avoid touching the center of your mask.  Handle your mask by the ear straps or outer most part away from your nose/ mouth.

-Participants should maintain at least six feet of distance from others to the maximum extent possible. Coaches should avoid contact with participants and facilitate physical distancing between participants to the maximum extent possible.

-For youth sports (age 18 years and under), immediate household members may observe practices and games as needed for age-appropriate supervision, but observers should be limited to ensure physical distance can be maintained, reduce potential crowding.  When observing, individuals must stay at least 6 feet from non-household members.

-If a person develops symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, cough, shortness of breath, headache, chills, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, gastrointestinal distress or upset stomach, and has reason to believe they may have been exposed, they should call their health care provider before seeking care.   Stay home and avoid close contact with others, including attending Little League events until symptoms are free and deemed safe by a medical professional.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

All managers, coaches, volunteers, umpires should wear PPE if not vaccinated (cloth face coverings/ protective masks).  Unvaccinated adults to wear face coverings when in close contact areas and in places where recommended social distancing is challenging (dugouts).  Players should not wear medical gloves on the field during games. 

Players are not required to wear face coverings while on the field during game play but may choose to exercise this option based on individual guidance of the player/parent or guardian



Baseballs should be cycled out on a regular basis and should not be reused for a minimum period of five days.  Rotate ball every two innings during games.

Umpires should limit contact with the ball

Warm up balls should be separated from game balls.

Shared equipment should be cleaned and disinfected before use by another person, group, or team.

When equipment is shared during an activity, participants should perform hand hygiene (use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer) before play, during breaks, at half time, and after the conclusion of the activity.

Balls or other objects or equipment can be touched by multiple players and used during practice and play if the above hand hygiene practices are followed.



Spitting is prohibited (including but not limited to, saliva, sunflower seeds or peanut shells) at all times (including on the field).  Chewing gum is not permitted.  



Pre-game plate meetings will follow 6 feet spacing and consist of one manager from each team and the umpire.  Face coverings will be required if adult is unvaccinated.

Equipment to be inspected by the umpire will be individually placed in front of the respective dugouts with good spacing to allow clear sight.  Umpires should avoid direct contact where possible.   In the event equipment requires handling, the umpire will use hand sanitizer prior to handing.  At no point should a player or coach handle another player’s equipment.


Game volunteers

For each game, only the required volunteers (managers/ coaches) should be in the dugout. Only the official scorekeepers will be behind the backstop at least 6 feet apart


Field Maintenance and Preparation

In addition to the coaches/ manager per team, one parent will be allowed to assist with field work.  Shared equipment should be cleaned and disinfected before use by another person, group, or team.



Umpires are permitted to be placed behind the pitcher’s mound to call balls/ strikes if that is their personal preference or the preference of their parents (junior umpires).  Umpires are encouraged to keep a safe distance from players as much as possible and wear protective gloves.


Batting Cages

Use to be determined by AHLL.


Cleaning of Surfaces

The league will make its best effort to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily and in between all facility uses including practices and games.  This includes tables, handles, common use equipment, dugouts etc.  Coaches and managers to wipe down team use areas at the conclusion of practice/ games.


Staggered Scheduling

To control the flow of people entering and exiting the facilities to promote physical distancing, and avoid any mingling, the league will schedule sufficient time between practices and games.

Players, families or spectators will not be permitted to show up to the fields more than 40 minutes before game time.

AHLL will ensure practices and games adhere to current state and local guidelines regarding the number of people allowed to gather in one place.


Limits on Spectator Attendance

Spectators should adhere to social distancing guidelines, staying 6 feet apart, wear facial covering if unvaccinated and avoiding direct contact with players/ coaches during play.

Spectators to provide their own seating (portable chairs).

No spectators will be allowed on the bleachers

Any person with symptoms of COVID-19 (including fever, cough, shortness of breath, headache, chills, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, gastrointestinal distress or upset stomach, and has reason to believe they may have been exposed)  should stay home and avoid close contact with others, including attending Little League events until symptoms are free and deemed safe by a medical professional.

Persons over the age of 65, nursing home residents and those with underlying medical conditions (heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, kidney disease or immunocompromised) should seek consultation with their medical provider before attending a game.



Per OUSD/ City of Anaheim guidelines


Concession stands

Pending final decision from AHLL

All buffet-style and communal food spreads are prohibited. Meals and snacks must be served in individualized to-go containers. Teams should attempt to facilitate food ordering for players outside of game times through text message, email, or another method (e.g., Slack) to permit individuals to time their food orders.

Communal items, such as large condiment bottles, must be removed from eating areas and replaced with individually packaged units.  Cutlery should be pre-packaged, in recyclable or disposable form.


Contracting COVID

Any person participating in AHLL with a positive test for COVID-19 should notify AHLL safety officer Matt Stresak [email protected].  Please be prepared to provide date of symptom onset, date of positive test and last contact with AHLL participants (including players/ coaches/ volunteers who may be at risk).  AHLL will be required to alert the Orange County Health Authority and City of Anaheim.  AHLL will also notify those participants identified who may be at risk for disease spread.   All AHLL COVID positive persons are to stay home, avoid others, including attending Little League events until symptoms are free and deemed safe by a medical professional.


The CDC says that people who develop COVID-19 symptoms or get infected with coronavirus should:

Stay home for at least 5 days, after your last contact with a person who has COVID-19.

•Test on day 5.

•Quarantine can end after day 5 if symptoms are not present and a diagnostic specimen collected on day 5 or later tests negative.

•If unable to test or choosing not to test, and symptoms are not present, quarantine can end after day 10.

•Wear a well-fitting mask around others for a total of 10 days, especially in indoor settings

Returning to Sports After Infection

Children and teens with symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend practices or competition. They should consult their physician for testing and notify their coach of their symptoms.

Youths recovering from COVID-19 will have different paths to return to sports based on the severity of their illness. Those who are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms should not exercise until cleared by a physician. See the American Academy of Pediatrics Interim Guidance on Return to Sports for additional guidance for more serious infections.


What to do if a participant had COVID-19 or has it during the season?

In a SARS-CoV-2–positive child who is either asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic (<4 days of fever >100.4°F, short duration of myalgia, chills, and lethargy), there are limited data available and recommendations are based on expert opinion. Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 should not exercise until they are cleared by a physician. It is suggested they visit with their primary care physician (PCP) who will review the local 14-point preparticipation screening evaluation with special emphasis on cardiac symptoms including:  chest pain, shortness of breath out of proportion for upper respiratory tract infection, new onset palpitations, or syncope and perform a complete physical examination. If the preparticipation screening evaluation and examination are normal, no further testing is warranted and the patient may begin a gradual return to play after  10 days have passed from date of the positive test result and a minimum of 24 hours symptom free off-fever reducing medications. If the PCP identifies any new or concerning history or physical examination findings at this visit, an ECG should be performed and referral should be made to a pediatric cardiologist for evaluation and further testing. 

For those with moderate symptoms of COVID-19 (≥4 days of fever >100.4°F, myalgia, chills, or lethargy or those who had a non-ICU hospital stay and no evidence of MIS-C ), an ECG and cardiology consult is currently recommended after symptom resolution, and at a minimum of 10 days past the date of the positive test result. Individuals who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 should not exercise until they are cleared by a physician. The cardiologist may consider ordering a troponin test and an echocardiogram at the time of acute infection. Depending on the patient’s symptoms and their duration, additional testing including a Holter monitor, exercise stress testing, or cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be considered. If cardiac workup is negative, gradual return to physical activity may be allowed after 10 days have passed from the date of the positive test result, and a minimum of 10 days of symptom resolution has occurred off fever-reducing medicine.  

For patients with severe COVID-19 symptoms (ICU stay and/or intubation) or multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), it is recommended they be restricted from exercise for a minimum of 3 to 6 months and definitely require cardiology clearance prior to resuming training or competition. Coordination of follow-up cardiology care should be arranged prior to hospital discharge. Extensive cardiac testing should include but is not limited to: troponin tests, echocardiogram, and cardiac MRI. 

A graduated return-to-play protocol can begin once an athlete has been cleared by a physician (cardiologist for moderate to severe COVID-19 symptoms) and is asymptomatic when performing normal activities of daily living. The progression should be performed over the course of a 7-day minimum. Consideration for extending the progression should be given to athletes who experienced moderate COVID-19 symptoms as outlined above.  







The following progression was adapted from Elliott N, et al, infographic, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2020:

Stage 1: Day 1 and Day 2 - (2 Days Minimum) - 15 minutes or less: Light activity (walking, jogging, stationary bike), intensity no greater than 70% of maximum heart rate. NO resistance training. 

Stage 2: Day 3 - (1 Day Minimum) - 30 minutes or less: Add simple movement activities (eg. running drills) - intensity no greater than 80% of maximum heart rate. 

Stage 3: Day 4 - (1 Day Minimum) - 45 minutes or less- Progress to more complex training - intensity no greater than 80% maximum heart rate. May add light resistance training. 

Stage 4: Day 5 and Day 6 - (2 Days Minimum) - 60 minutes -Normal training activity - intensity no greater than 80% maximum heart rate. 

Stage 5: Day 7 - Return to full activity/participation (ie, - Contests/competitions). 

















Anaheim Hills Little League Code of Conduct



·        Observe all posted speed limit signs within the school limits.

·        Watch for children around parked cars.

·        No alcohol is allowed in the parking lot, near or on the playing fields. 

·        Smoking or use of any tobacco products is prohibited.

·        No profanity please.

·        No throwing or hitting baseballs against dugouts or fences.

·        Players and spectators should be alert at all times for foul balls and errant throws.

·        During the game, players must remain in the dugout area in an orderly fashion at all times.

·        After each game, players, coaches and parents should clean up trash in the dugout and around stands.

·        All gates to the field shall be closed at all times.

·        Driving down to the field shall be limited to those persons with permits and only during non-playing times.

·        Require coaches/ umpires to walk fields for hazards before use

o   Fields should be inspected by umpires and managers prior to all games for potential hazards such as holes, glass, and rocks.





Complete the 2022 Annual Little League Survey

Please see the attached form***





Anaheim Hills Little League Safety Code


Dedicated to Injury Prevention!

  • Managers must have medical releases with them at all games and practices
  • Managers, coaches, and umpires should have training in first-aid. 
  • The first-aid kit issued to all teams should be kept in full stock.  Additional items can be obtained from either the snack bar or the Safety Officer.
  • An additional First-aid kit is available in the snack bar.
  • Fields should be inspected by umpires and managers prior to all games for potential hazards such as holes, glass, and rocks.
  • Equipment should be inspected for fit and condition prior to games and practices.
  •  Watches, earrings, or other jewelry shall not be worn during games or practices.
  • Parents of players who wear glasses are encouraged to provide “safety goggles” or “sport goggles”
  • Catchers must wear full catcher’s helmet, mask with throat guard, long-model chest protector, shin guards and hard protective cup at all times - NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • The catchers warming up pitchers between innings shall have, at minimum, the catcher’s helmet with throat guard, as well as hard protective cup.  This applies also in the bullpen during games and practices. 
  • Managers and coaches shall not warm up pitchers before or during games.
  • Players acting as bat-boys shall wear a batting helmet. 
  • Managers and coaches are not to leave the dugout to retrieve bats or other equipment during the game.
  • There is no “on-deck” circle.
  • Players must stay in the dugout without handling or swinging a bat until it is their turn to bat.
  • “Horse play” should not be permitted during games or practices.
  • During warm-up drills, players should be spaced so that no one is endangered by wild throws or missed catches.
  • Batters must wear Little League approved protective helmets during batting practice and games. 
  • Except when a runner is returning to a base, head first sliding is not allowed.


Equipment Officer to Inspect all Equipment in the Pre-season

All equipment was inspected prior to the 2022 season by Cesar Carrillo, AHLL Equipment Officer.

·         Managers/ Coaches will inspect equipment prior to each game. 

·         Umpires will be required to inspect equipment prior to each game



Concession Stand Safety Guideline

*Current policies are updated regarding COVID-19 concession stand guidelines section of this plan.

Written safety procedures for concession stand; concession manager trained in safe food handling/ prep and procedures will be posted in the snack bar.

Food Preparation and Snack Bar Safety

The consideration for safety in food preparation is of extreme importance.  The ramifications of lax safety procedures can be very great, with potential liability issues extending beyond the league. 

There are several basic tenets that must be observed while preparing food, as well as safety procedures within the physical confines of the snack bar itself.  Once again, the philosophy of “prevention”, or being proactive is the most advisable position. 

The basic food preparation tenets include:

1.    Clean:  wash hands and food contact surfaces

2.    Separate:  don’t cross-contaminate

3.    Cook: cook to proper temperatures

4.    Chill: refrigerate promptly






Key Times to Wash Hands

You can help yourself and your loved ones stay healthy by washing your hands often, especially during these key times when you are likely to get and spread germs:

  • Before, during, and after preparing food
  • Before and after eating food
  • Before and after caring for someone at home who is sick with vomiting or diarrhea
  • Before and after treating a cut or wound
  • After using the toilet
  • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
  • After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste
  • After handling pet food or pet treats
  • After touching garbage

Follow Five Steps to Wash Your Hands the Right Way

1.     Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.

2.     Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.

3.     Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.

4.     Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.

5.     Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.







Basic safety procedures while working the snack bar include:

1.      Only those authorized shall be allowed inside the snack bar; small children shall not be inside during business hours. 

2.      Working assignments shall be made to ensure proper operation of machinery and appliances.  These will be limited to those individuals adequately trained.

3.      Persons handling food shall wear plastic gloves.

4.      Spills shall be cleaned up promptly to avoid accidental slipping.

5.      Operating the cash drawer shall be limited to a minimum number of responsible persons. 

6.      Ensure training has been conducted and all persons are aware of all potentially hot surfaces; i.e. coffeepot surface plate and hot dog roller.  


The individual topics below identify specific areas in which proper safety and hygiene considerations will significantly reduce the potential for causing or spreading food-borne illnesses.  Initial training and subsequent periodic review by those working in the Anaheim Hills Little League Snack bar is encouraged so that the awareness of these issues remains fresh.



Time and Temperature Make a Difference

Time and temperature influence the growth of bacteria. Bacteria growth can cause food poisoning. Like other living things, bacteria need: (1) food to grow on, (2) warmth, (3) moisture and (4) time to grow and multiply.

A standard rule, recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is to keep hot foods hot (above 140° F.) and cold foods cold (below 40° F.). The "dangerous temperature zone" is between the temperatures of 41 to 139° F. At danger zone temperatures, bacteria can double their numbers every 20 to 30 minutes. Food may not be safe to eat if you hold it for more than two to three hours at the danger zone temperature range where bacteria can rapidly multiply.

Food can reach the two (2) to three (3) hour time limit cumulatively. For example, cooked meat left for one hour at room temperature, refrigerated, then left out for another hour (without proper reheating) is the same as leaving it out for two consecutive hours. Refrigerating or freezing cooked meat stops bacteria from increasing, but any bacteria already on the meat will remain alive. These bacteria will multiply when you put the meat back into the danger temperature zone.

This means cooked foods should be rapidly cooled to refrigerator temperatures below 40° F. Reheat quickly to temperatures above 160° F.

Check the refrigerator and freezer periodically. Keep the refrigerator at about 40° F. and the freezer at 0 ° F. Use a thermometer to be sure.  Thaw meat in the refrigerator. Do not thaw food on the kitchen counter at room temperature. For faster thawing, place frozen packages in a watertight plastic bag under cold water and change the water often.

Remember, keep foods out of the danger zone temperature. Keep cold foods cold at 40° F and hot foods hot above 140° F, and remember to figure time periods that food is held 2 hours at room temperature. After 2 hours at room temperature, throw the food out before it makes you or your family sick.


HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points

By following 6 simple HACCP principles for safe food, the occurrence of food-borne illness in prepared food can be reduced.

1. Buy cold food last and get it home fast. Check cans for leaks, dents, or bulging lids.

2. When storing food, don’t wait to refrigerate. Use plastic bags on plates to keep raw juices from dripping on other foods. Store canned goods in a cool dry area. Never store any food under the sink, keep it off the floor, and away from cleaning supplies.

3. When preparing foods, keep everything clean. Don’t cross contaminate. Wash hands, counters equipment, utensils and cutting boards with soap and water immediately after use. Sanitize with a chlorine bleach solution of 1-teaspoon bleach to 1 quart of water.

4. Cook foods thoroughly. Use a meat thermometer to determine if meat, poultry, and casseroles have reached a safe internal temperature of 160° F to 165° F.

5. When serving food, keep hot foods hot (above 140° F) and cold foods cold (below 40° F.) Never put cooked foods on a dish that held raw foods unless the dish has been washed with soap and water. Use a metal stem thermometer to check the temperature of food before serving.

6. Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours of cooking. Discard food left out longer than 2 hours. When reheating leftovers, heat thoroughly to a temperature of 165° F or until hot and steamy. Bring soups, sauces, and gravies, to a boil. When in doubt, throw it out!




Crescent Elementary Snack Shack – Opening Items To Do


·        Hang door padlock back up on the door, disarm the alarm and turn on all the lights

·        Unlock the Umpire’s room (same key as the SS)

·        Turn on (please leave temp settings alone):

o   KFC warmer (make sure pretzels are stocked)

o   Hot dog roller

o   Drawer warmer (should have clean foil to line inside)

o   Slush Puppy machine, all 4 switches

§  (1 favor mix with 2 gallons of water if needed.  2 gallons of cold water are in the fridge, bottom left side, refill if you use it)

o   Pepsi machine (key is on the left side)

o   Nacho Cheese warmer (fill if running low, cheese cups are stored in bottom of the KFC warmer)

o   Popcorn machine (only when ready to pop fresh popcorn)

o   Keurig machine (Weekdays only & fill with water)

o   Large water pot (fill if needed – use for hot coco & top ramen)

·        Start making:

o   Saturday Mornings only, start with coffe first in large urn

o   Hotdogs (start with 1 dozen per game playing – see calendar for # of games)

o   Churros (start with 1 dozen)

o   Popcorn (start with 1 batch)

o   **You need to keep track of how much of these warm food items we have during your shift to see if more is needed to be made.  Judge based on time and how many more games are to be played.  Please try not to have too much waste**

·        Open all candy containers, chocolate candies are stored in the fridge.  Extra candies are stocked in the drawers under the candy shelves. 

·        Fill Pepsi machine with ice, bucket/scooper are on the side of the ice machine

o   The water button will stick, there is a lever on the bottom to pull forward to turn it off

·        Pre build nacho trays with chips, stock up to the left of the popcorn machine

·        Check jalapeno cups in fridge (left side), make more if needed.

·        Take hand sanitizer, napkins, straws & hot dog condiments (fridge left side) to the outside counter.  Extra napkins/straws are in the cabinet above nacho cheese warmer. 

·        Saturdays only: Put outside coffee condiments (stored to the right above the nacho cheese warmer).  Put out donut/coffee sign (and breakfast burrito sign if we are selling them that day) in order window & put out umbrellas (stored in umpire room) @ the outisde round green tables

·        Put up USA flag outside

·        Put out menu board (stored next to fridge)

·        Put trash bags (find under the hot dog roller) in the inside/outside trash cans

·        Cash, phones (to charge CC) and tokens are in the safe under the order counter.  Count starting cash: $200

·        Make sure phones charge during your shift

·        Hand out lanyards to high school volunteers

·        Team parent volunteers need to sign in on the sheet above the sink

·        Open both building shades, buttons are by the entry door & roll up window

·        Open roll up window.  **Make sure the locks are off first!!**  Put locks on the counter to the right of the window

·        If you run out of syrup or CO2:

o   Syrups are in the umpire room.  Twist cap off and on to replace.

o   CO2 – Turn off the tank first with the nozzle on top.  Then use the attached wrench to loosen the nut to remove the gauges.  Rip off the tag to where it says “Empty” and put to the side.  Take the new tank and replace the washer into the valve and tighten back onto the new tank very tight, use the wrench.  Turn on the nozzle and also rip off the tag to where it says “In Use”.

·        If you are running low on water or Gatorades in the fridge, extra stock is in the umpire room.  Please keep the fridge fully stocked at all times.

·        Please keep the cups/lids for sodas stocked on the counter. Extras are in the drawers underneath to the right of the machine, under the order counter or in the umpire room.  

·        If you run out of anything during your shift please write a note and leave it on the bulliten board. 

·        Any questions, please call or text Kirsten – 714/401-0891


Crescent Elementary Snack Shack - Closing Items To Do

·        Close roll up window and put on locks (do not close locks)

·        Roll in both building shades, buttons are by the entry door & roll up window

·        Bring inside: menu board (store next to fridge).  USA flag, hand sanitizer, napkins, straws (store to the left of the sink) & condiments (fridge left side).  Saturdays - take in the coffee condiments and store in the right side cabinets above the nacho cheese warmer.

·        Turn off & empty out any left overs:

o   KFC warmer (leave any upopened pretzels in there, stock up if needed)

o   Drawer warmer (remove and replace with clean foil)

o   Nacho Cheese warmer (cheese cups can stay, stock if necessary, bottom of KFC warmer are extras)

o   Hot Dog roller (wipe down rollers with wet towel when hot, hand wash drip tray & replace)

o   Slushy Machine, all 4 switches

o   Keurig Machine (dump and replace with fresh water)

o   Pepsi Machine (turn the key on left side)

o   Saturdays: Clean out big coffee pot (you can do this once it’s sold out and put back condiments in cabinet above nacho cheese warmer)

o   Popcorn machine

o   Large water pot (dump and replace with fresh water)

·        Wipe down all counters + soda/slushy machines to try to prevent ants

·        Wipe out popcorn machine with a wet paper towel

·        Replace tops on all candy / put chocolate candies in fridge (if not they will all melt)

·        Take off soda nozzles (make sure the machine is off with the key on the left side), rinse with water & replace all nozzles.

·        Take off slushy machine drip trays, rinse with water & replace

·        Hand wash any tongs etc…

·        Replace tupperware lids from salt/sugar

·        Sweep and Mop if needed

·        High School Volunteers – Sign their time sheet & leave the name tags/lanyards here

·        Team Parent Volunteers need to sign out on the sheet above the sink

·        Saturdays Only – Bring in 3 Umbrellas and store in Umpire room

·        Count $200 in small bills and put back in envelope in the token box for starting cash

·        Count the remainig cash (coins can stay in the drawer) and write the total in this binder and place in an envelope (found to the right of the sink) and label with date and $$ amount.  Take this $$ home and/or to the Berlanga house.

·        Put Phones, Starting $200 cash in the SS token box then lock up in the safe.

·        Turn off: A/C, fans & lights

·        Lock Umpire’s room, close door to SS, set alarm, lock door & padlock (make sure you turn the code on the padlock)

·        Take the trash to the dumpster on your way out

·        If you are the last ones on the field you need to lock the exit gates with the combo locks

·        If you run out of anything during your shift please write a note and leave it on the bulliten board. 

·        Any questions, please call or text Alexis – 714/679-6545




Communicable Disease Management

1.     Bleeding must be stopped, the wound covered, and the uniform changed if there is blood on it before the player may continue.

2.     Routinely use gloves to prevent mucous membrane exposure when contact with blood or other bodily fluids is anticipated.  (in First-aid kit)

3.     Immediately wash hands and other skin surface if contaminated with blood

4.     Clean all blood-contaminated surfaces and equipment.

5.     Managers, coaches, and volunteers with open wounds should refrain from all direct contact until the condition is resolved.

6.     Follow accepted guidelines in the immediate control of bleeding and disposal when handling bloody dressings, mouth guards, and other articles containing body fluids.



Hepatitis A Virus

Hepatitis A is a highly contagious virus. It is related to many other types of viruses that cause disease like the common cold. In the last decade, Hepatitis A was the fourth leading cause of reported food-borne illness outbreaks. Symptoms of Hepatitis A may be unrecognized in children under two and are a silent source in spreading the disease. It is most often spread by adults changing a child’s diaper and then not adequately washing their hands. Food or work areas are then indirectly contaminated by the Hepatitis A virus when the adult prepares or handles food.








Accident Reporting Procedures

What to Report:

An incident that causes any player, manager, coach, umpire, or volunteer to receive medical treatment and/or first-aid must be reported to the Director of Safety.  This includes even passive treatments such as the evaluation and diagnosis of the extent of the injury or periods of rest.

When to Report:

All such incidents described above must be reported to the Director of Safety within 24-48 hours of the incident.  The Safety Officer for 2022 is Matt Stresak and he can be reached at the following:  714-412-8627


How to make the report:

For written reports, fill out an incident report found within this manual or on the Anaheim Hills Little League Website and deliver to Safety Officer within 24 hours.  For verbal reports, the following information must be provided:

¨      Name and phone number of the individual involved

¨      The date, time and location of the incident

¨      As detailed a description of the incident as possible

¨      A preliminary estimate of the extent of injuries

¨      The name and phone number of the person reporting the incident

¨      Safety Officer’s ResponsibilitiesWithin 48 hours of receiving the incident report, the Director of Safety will contact the injured party or the parents and (1) shall verify the information received; (2) obtain any other information deemed necessary; (3) check on the status of the injured party; and (4) in the event that the injured party required other medical treatment (emergency room visit, Doctor’s visit, etc.) will advise the parent or guardian of the League’s insurance coverages and the provisions for submitting any claims. 

If the extent of the injuries are more than minor in nature, the Safety Officer shall periodically call the injured party to (1) check on the status of the injury, and (2) to check if any other assistance is necessary in areas such as submission of forms, etc., until such time as the incident is considered “closed”, (i.e. no further claims are expected and/or the individual is participating in the league again.

In Case of A Medical Emergency

¨      Have phone and Emergency cards with you during all events (practice/ games).

¨      When calling 911, please establish if your call is coming from cell phone and give your current location.  You may be transferred to a second operator.

¨      Speak slow and clear.  Stay on the line until dispatch states to end the call. 

¨      Send another adult to the nearest ambulance access point and let operator know this person is available to direct EMS to specific location.

¨      Notify parents – third adult if available

¨      Keep sports participants away from the injured

¨      Provide calm re-assurance and support that help is one the way

¨      Notify league Safety Officer by phone within 24-48 hours

¨      Complete Incident Report Form and hand deliver within 24 hours.  Copies of the form are included with this manual

¨      Talk to the team about the situation to calm upset or worried players.  They need to feel safe and understand why the injury occurred

¨      Anaheim Hills Little League insurance is supplemental to the player’s own insurance policy.  Parents should be aware that they need to treat player under their own medical plan.  All claims are to be filed with the League Safety Officer. 



Important things to “DO”

  • Reassure and aid children who are injured, frightened, or lost
  • Provide or assist in obtaining medical attention for those who require it
  • Know your limitations
  • Carry your first-aid kit to all games and practices
  • Assist those who require medical attention
  • Have all players’ medical releases with you at all games and practices
  • Have a cellular phone available if possible


Important things to “AVOID”

¨      Administer any medications

¨      Provide any food or beverages (other than water)

¨      Hesitate in giving aid when needed

¨      Be afraid to ask for help if you’re not sure of the proper procedures

¨      Transport injured individuals except in extreme emergencies

¨      Leave a child unattended at a practice or game

¨      Hesitate to report any present or potential safety hazard to the Director of Safety immediately



Lightning Evacuation Procedure

1.  Stop the game or practice

2.      Stay away from metal fencing - including dugouts

3.      Do not handle metal bats

4.      Walk, don’t run, to car and wait for a decision on whether to continue the game or practice. 



I.             BE ALERT!








IX.           BE ORGANIZED

X.            HAVE FUN!

2022  Anaheim Hills Little League (AHLL)  Managers/Coaches Meeting


Safety Officer Agenda

Please use website to get information.  We have a Volunteer page and a Managers page for communications:



Effective on January 1, 2018, Little League Baseball will adhere to the new USA Bat standard. No bats previously approved for use in Little League Play (Junior League Baseball and below) will be permitted to be used in any Little League game or practice, or other Little League function, event, or activity.

What this means for local Little Leagues, and Little League baseball players in the Tee Ball through Junior League Divisions, as well as Little League Challenger Division, is that all current Little League-approved bats that were used during the 2017 Little League regular season and throughout tournament play can no longer be used starting in 2018.   Be aware that this new bat standard effects Little League Baseball only.



Every game will have an official pitch counter just like the official score keeper.

The rules are as follows:

A.  Any player on a regular season team may pitch. (NOTE: There is no limit to the

number of pitchers a team may use in a game.)

B. Players once removed from the mound may not return as pitchers; Junior, Senior, and Major League Divisions only: A pitcher remaining in the

game, but moving to a different position, can return as a pitcher anytime in the

remainder of the game, but only once per game.

C. The manager must remove the pitcher when said pitcher reaches the limit for

his/her age group as noted below, but the pitcher may remain in the game at

another position:

League Age                              Pitches per day

Age 17-18                                105 pitches per day

Age 13-16                                95 pitches per day

Age 11-12                                85 pitches per day

Age 10-9                                  75 pitches per day

Age 8-7                                    50 pitches per day


Exception: If a pitcher reaches the limit imposed in Regulation VI (c) for his/her league age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until: 1) That batter reaches base; 2) the Batter is put out or; 3) The third out is made to complete the half-inning.


NOTE: A pitcher who delivers one or more pitches in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that day.



D. Pitchers league age 16 and under must adhere to the following rest requirements:

• If a player pitches 61 or more pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest

must be observed and a game.

• If a player pitches 41 - 60 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must

be observed and a game.

• If a player pitches 21 - 40 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar days of rest must

be observed.

• If a player pitches 1-20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest must be


F. A player may not pitch in consecutive games. Exception – League Age 16 and under - A player may pitch in consecutive games if 40 or less pitches were delivered in the previous game.

G. Each league must designate the scorekeeper or another game official as the

official pitch count recorder.

H. The pitch count recorder must provide the current pitch count for any pitcher

when requested by either manager or any umpire. However, the manager is

responsible for knowing when his/her pitcher must be removed.

I. The official pitch count recorder should inform the umpire-in-chief when a

pitcher has delivered his/her maximum limit of pitches for the game, as noted in

Regulation VI (c). The umpire-in-chief will inform the pitcher’s manager that the

pitcher must be removed in accordance with Regulation VI (c). However, the

failure by the pitch count recorder to notify the umpire-in-chief, and/or the failure

of the umpire-in-chief to notify the manager, does not relieve the manager of

his/her responsibility to remove a pitcher when that pitcher is no longer eligible.

J. Violation of any section of this regulation can result in protest of the game in

which it occurs. Protest shall be made in accordance with Playing Rule 4.19.

K. A player who has attained the league age of twelve (12) is not eligible to pitch in

the Minor League. (See Regulation V – Selection of Players)

L. A player may not pitch in more than one game in a day. (Exception: In the Big

League Division, a player may be used as a pitcher in up to two games in a day.)

Pitch Count Notes:

1. The withdrawal of an ineligible pitcher after that pitcher is announced, or after a

warm-up pitch is delivered, but before that player has pitched a ball to a batter,

shall not be considered a violation. Little League officials are urged to take

precautions to prevent protests. When a protest situation is imminent, the potential

offender should be notified immediately.

2. Pitches delivered in games declared “Regulation Tie Games” or “Suspended

Games” shall be charged against pitcher’s eligibility.

3. In suspended games resumed on another day, the pitchers of record at the time the

game was halted may continue to pitch to the extent of their eligibility for that

day, provided said pitcher has observed the required days of rest.

Example 1: A league age 12 pitcher delivers 70 pitches in a game on Monday when

the game is suspended. The game resumes on the following Thursday. The pitcher is

not eligible to pitch in the resumption of the game because he/she has not observed

the required three days of rest.

Example 2: A league age 12 pitcher delivers 70 pitches in a game on Monday when

the game is suspended. The game resumes on Saturday. The pitcher is eligible to

pitch up to 85 more pitches in the resumption of the game because he/she has

observed the required three days of rest.

Example 3: A league age 12 pitcher delivers 70 pitches in a game on Monday when

the game is suspended. The game resumes two weeks later. The pitcher is eligible to

pitch up to 85 more pitches in the resumption of the game, provided he/she is eligible

based on his/her pitching record during the previous three days.

Note: The use of this regulation negates the concept of the “calendar week” with

regard to pitching eligibility

·         Copies of the Pitch Count regulations are at the table

o   For AA, AAA and Majors only.

o   All others can get from the Web Site.




Only the batter should be outside the dugout.







Batting Cage Rules:

1)      All Batting Cage activities must be supervised by a manager or coach.

2)      Only adults shall operate the pitching machines.

3)      For insurance and liability reasons, only Anaheim Hills Little League players are allowed to use the cages.

4)      Only one (1) player is allowed in a cage at a time during hitting.

5)      All players entering a cage must wear batting helmets, even during ball parties.

6)      Any players outside the cages are not to be swinging or have bats in their hands.

7)      Gates should remain closed during hitting.

8)      No chewing tobacco allowed anywhere on the fields and no spitting allowed in the cages.

9)      No food, drinks, gum or seeds are allowed in the cages.

10)  Clean up any trash around cages when done using them.

11)  Report any damage or issues regarding cages or equipment to AHLL officials as soon as possible.

12)  Cover pitching machines and lock cages when your team is done.

13)  Any teams not following batting cages rules will lose cages privileges at the discretion of the League.





Field Maintenance


First game of the day: Both home and visiting teams

  1. Stow mound Cover
  2. Rake the mound and drag infield dirt if necessary
  3. Water infield if necessary
  4. Install bases
  5. Chalk field.

After each game: Both home and visiting teams

  1. Drag infield dirt
  2. Rake and compact mound
  3. Pick up all trash in dugouts and on field

Before each game: Both home and away teams

  1. Water infield if necessary
  2. Re-chalk field if necessary

Last game of the day: Both home and visiting teams

  1. Stow bases
  2. Drag infield dirt
  3. Rake and compact mound
  4. Sweep brick dust off infield grass
  5. Water infield
  6. Pick up Trash in dugouts and on field
  7. Cover mound

Please take into consideration that another game will be starting after your game and that all post-game maintenance needs to be done immediately.  If you need to talk to your team, please assign someone to help with the field maintenance.




A.H.L.L. 2022 Umpire Clinic Agenda

  1. Welcome
  2. Intro of Staff
  3. Objectives of Clinic:
    1. Overview of Umpire duties
    2. Positions
    3. Rules
  4. Timelines – Must be on Time!
  5. If unable to make a game your responsibility to find a replacement.
  6. Equipment
  7. Rules:
    1. Infield fly rule
    2. Balk
    3. Interference
    4. Obstruction
    5. Fair or Foul Ball
    6. Warming up
    7. There is no such thing as a tie goes to the runner
  8. Pre-game:
    1. Equipment check:

                                                              i.      Bats-No dents, cracks, paint, alterations

1.      Check for current District 30 sticker or

2.      Check bats against the most recent “approved bat list” found on the Little League website.

                                                             ii.      Helmets-cracks, chips, paint, stickers

                                                           iii.      Cleats-No Metal

                                                           iv.      Cups-Catcher must have hard cup, all others must wear jock strap at a minimum.

    1. Field:

                                                              i.      Dragged

                                                             ii.      Mound-No Holes

                                                           iii.      Plate-No holes

                                                           iv.      Lines-Is field properly lined?

    1. Conference:

                                                              i.      Call both managers to home plate

                                                             ii.      Ask both mangers if their players are properly equipped.

                                                           iii.      Ask both managers to make all substitutions through you

                                                           iv.      Tell both managers that there is no discussion of balls and strikes.

                                                             v.      Remind both managers they are responsible for their, players and their parents conduct.

                                                           vi.      Remind both managers that players are not to have bats in their hands in the dugout.

                                                         vii.      Dugout gates must be kept closed.

                                                       viii.      Umpire decisions are final!


  1. During the game:
    1. Communicate with each other
    2. Keep the game moving
    3. In the event of a disputed call, the manager must call for time out before leaving the dugout and talk with the umpire prior to the net pitch being thrown.
  2. After the Game:
    1. Both umpires sign the score card.
    2. Make any notations regarding conduct, injuries, or ejections
    3. Put umpire gear away
    4. If there are any problems during the game, call:

                                                              i.      Charlie Walters – Majors/ AAA/ AA




League Rosters for all divisions will be submitted via the Little League Data Center at

Rosters will be submitted as soon as possible but in no case later than April 2nd of each year.  Rosters will be will be completed and submitted by the league Player Agent(s).  Access to the Data Center can be obtained from the league Vice President.




2022 Anaheim Hills Little League (AHLL)

Managers/Coaches Application




Manager _____          Coach _____




Jr ____    Majors ____    AAA ____    AA ____    A ____    Rookie ____    T-Ball ____


Name ___________________________________     Phone _______________________


Address __________________________________ City _______________ Zip ______



                                                                                    Manager or

Year                 League            Division               Coach___


______            ______________        __________    _______________


______            ______________        __________    _______________


______            ______________        __________    _______________


______            ______________        __________    _______________




Please describe why you want to be a Manager or Coach: ______________________






Have you ever been convicted of a felony?  Yes ___           No ___

If yes, please explain:






Do you consent to background screening?  Yes ___ No ___

Are there any other facts involving your background that would call into question you being entrusted with the guidance and care of young people?  Yes ___  No ___

If yes, please explain:






2022 Anaheim Hills Little League (AHLL)

Managers/Coaches Application


The following rules are mandatory for all AHLL Managers/Coaches:


1.      Develop player physical and mental abilities as related to Little League Baseball.

2.      Teach sportsmanship and its importance to Little League Baseball.

3.      Instill the will to win and the ability to lose.

4.      Motivate performance at full potential

5.      Avoid the use of vulgar or harsh language.

6.      Behave in a respectful and dignified manner at all times.

7.      Abide by all rules of the AHLL and Little League Baseball incorporated, including all safety rules.

8.      Hold all discussions with umpires or opposing managers and coaches in a courteous manner, out of the presence of players and spectators.

9.      Cooperate fully with all AHLL functions.

10.  Properly care for and maintain all AHLL property.

11.  Make sure all players play the proper amount of time, are properly supervised and are given an equal opportunity.

12.  As applicable, provide an official scorekeeper for all home games, and provide qualified umpires at the direction of the AHLL.

13.  Possess all player releases when supervising players.

14.  Immediately report all injuries to the AHLL.

15.  Use AHLL fields only as directed by the AHLL.

16.  Follow the AHLL season schedule and field a team.

17.  Appoint one (1) coach, one (1) assistant coach and one (1) team coordinator.

18.  Provide for Snack Bar representation as directed by the AHLL.

19.  Provide for proper representation at Field Day.

20.  Acquire team sponsorship as directed by the AHLL.

21.  Attend umpiring clinics as directed by the AHLL.

22.  Full responsibility for the behavior of yourself, your coaches, your players, and your parents at the field of play.

23.  Agree to abide by the AHLL Code of Conduct.

24.  Consent to background screening as required by the AHLL.

25.  With the aid of the team coordinator, properly account for and provide receipts for the use of all team funds.


I have read, understand, and agree to abide by all of the rules as set forth above. I understand that failure to abide by these rules may result in disciplinary action.  I understand that the information I have provided may be verified.  I hereby release and agree to hold harmless any person and/or organization that provides information concerning me.  I hereby release and agree to hold harmless Little League Baseball Incorporated, the AHLL, and the officers and volunteers thereof.  I affirm that all of the information I have provided is true and correct.


Signed: _____________________________             Date: __________________




2022 BY-LAWS



Section 1 – Board of Directors

All members of the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors are expected to attend all A.H.L.L. Board Meetings and assist with the following:

Player Registration

Player Evaluations

A.H.L.L. Functions


Section 2 – Managers, Coaches, and Umpires

A.H.L.L. Team Managers and Coaches shall be appointed each year by the A.H.L.L. President, subject to review and approval by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.

A.H.L.L. Umpires shall be appointed each year by the A.H.L.L. Umpire in Chief, subject to approval by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.

The A.H.L.L. President, A.H.L.L. Board Members, Managers, and Coaches shall not umpire games in his/her division if he/she manages or assistant coaches.


Section 3 – Background Screening

The A.H.L.L. Board of Directors and all volunteers, including but not limited to, Managers, Coaches, Team Coordinators, Umpires, Field and Snack Shack workers, etc., shall abide by all background screening and fingerprinting requirements imposed by Little League Baseball Incorporated. 

The A.H.L.L. Board of Directors may also impose additional background screening requirements on all A.H.L.L. volunteers.


Section 4 – Code of Conduct

All parents, legal guardians, and volunteers of A.H.L.L. must sign and abide by a Code of Conduct issued by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.  The A.H.L.L. Code of Conduct authorizes A.H.L.L. Board Members to remove any Code of Conduct violator from the playing field, practices and A.H.L.L. events at any time.  In this context, the term “playing field” is defined as the entire A.H.L.L. facility/complex/school or any A.H.L.L. sanctioned offsite games or events.


Section 5 – Manager and Coach Responsibilities/Rules of Conduct

Accepting the responsibility as a Manager or Coach of an A.H.L.L. team requires an endless amount of time and dedication.  Priorities at times can be somewhat confusing.  It is for this reason that certain requirements must be established and implemented.  Before a team Manager or Coach applicant will be considered, a current A.H.L.L. Coaching Application and a current Little League Baseball Incorporated Volunteer Application must be completed, signed and returned by the applicant to the Vice President of A.H.L.L..  Every person that accepts a position of Manager or Coach in A.H.L.L. will be required to comply with and uphold the following:

Develop player physical and mental abilities as related to Little League Baseball.

Teach sportsmanship and its importance to Little League Baseball.

Instill the will to win and the ability to lose.

Motivate performance to full potential.

Avoid the use of vulgar and hard language.

Behave in a respectful and dignified manner at all times.

Abide by all rules of A.H.L.L. and Little League Baseball Incorporated, including all safety rules and COVID protocols.

Hold all discussions with Umpires or opposing Managers in a courteous manner, out of the presence of players and spectators.

Cooperate fully with all A.H.L.L. functions.

Properly care for and maintain all A.H.L.L. property.

Make sure all players are given an equal opportunity.

As applicable, provide an Official Scorekeeper (AA, AAA, Majors, Intermediate) for all home games, and  provide qualified Umpires at the direction of the A.H.L.L. Umpire in Chief.

Possess all player Medical Releases, COVID and Concussion Waivers, and Code of Conduct forms when supervising players.

Immediately report all injuries to A.H.L.L..

Use A.H.L.L. fields only as directed by A.H.L.L.

Follow the A.H.L.L. season schedule and field a team.  Reasons for forfeiture are as follows:

Not fielding at least eight (8) players at game time (Single A, Rookie/Coach Pitch and T–Ball divisions excluded) for regular season games. Players can be borrowed if you contact the Player Agent 24 hours in advance for AA, AAA, Majors, Intermediate.

Not showing up for a game with a team in uniform when you feel the game should be called off because of rain or poor field conditions.  Unless you have been notified by the A.H.L.L. Umpire in Chief or the A.H.L.L. President that the game has been canceled, BE AT THE FIELD READY TO PLAY!  During poor weather conditions, please communicate game status with your team.

If you cannot field a team due to four (4) or more players involved in a school or church function, you must contact the Umpire in Chief at least seven (7) days prior to game time with the players’ names and telephone numbers and the function in which the players are involved.  The Umpire in Chief will then let you know if it is an acceptable function.  If it is not an acceptable function, a team must be fielded or the game will be forfeited.

Any forfeiture violation as set forth in the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated.

If the Manager is ill or otherwise unable to manage the team, the Manager shall appoint a certified Assistant Coach to take his/her place for the duration of their absence.

Teams shall have one (1) Manager, two (2) Assistant Coaches, one (1) Team Coordinator, two (2) Umpires (minimum) and one (1) Scorekeeper in AA, AAA & Majors divisions.

Assist in acquiring a team sponsorship as directed by A.H.L.L.

Take full responsibility for the behavior of yourself, your Coaches, your players, and your parents at the field of play.

Agree to sign and abide by the A.H.L.L. Code of Conduct, COVID Protocol, Concussion Protocol, and Medical Release documents.

Agree that the A.H.L.L. Code of Conduct applies to all sanctioned functions, including those that are not held at our home fields.

Consent to background screening and fingerprinting as required by the A.H.L.L..

Consent to background screening and fingerprinting as required by Little League Baseball Incorporated.

With the aid of the Team Coordinator, properly account for and provide receipts for the use of all team funds.

In the event the Manager is unable to attend a mandatory meeting or assignment scheduled by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors and is not able to provide a team representative to take their place, the missed meeting or assignment could result in a one game suspension or other discipline as determined by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.

Follow all COVID protocols from the CDC, State, County, City, Orange Unified School District, and A.H.L.L.


Section 6 – General Information

Any suggestions may be dropped off at the A.H.L.L. Snack Shack, emailed to the league, may be given to any A.H.L.L. Board Member, or may be brought up at a regularly scheduled A.H.L.L. Board of Directors meeting. The schedule of the Board of Directors meetings will be posted to the A.H.L.L. website.

Unless otherwise directed by the A.H.L.L. Umpire in Chief, all regular season T- Ball, Rookie/Coach Pitch, Single A, Double A, Triple A, and Majors division games will be played at Crescent Elementary School located at 5001 Gerda Drive, Anaheim, California. T-Ball, Coach Pitch, Single A, Double A, Triple A and Major games may also be played at Anaheim Hills Elementary School located at 6450 E. Serrano, Anaheim, California.. All Intermediate and Junior division games will be played as directed by California District 30.

A.H.L.L. plays its games on an Orange Unified School District campus and/or City of Anaheim Field. Orange Unified School District campuses and city facilities are tobacco, alcohol, and drug free environments. As such, the use of these substances on campuses/city fields is not permitted.

A.H.L.L. Little League will consist of a Juniors division, Intermediate division, Majors division, Triple A division , Double A division , Single A division , Rookie/Coach Pitch division  and T-Ball division.  The A.H.L.L. Board of Directors will set the number of teams and number of players per team for each of these divisions.

All A.H.L.L. Board of Directors meetings are open to the public unless specified by the A.H.L.L. President as a closed meeting.  Should a member of the public wish to be heard before the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors, he/she shall notify the A.H.L.L. Secretary at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of a meeting. Meeting dates are available to the public through the A.H.L.L. webpage.

If any item of team equipment issued by A.H.L.L. is damaged during the season, the A.H.L.L. Equipment Manager shall be contacted immediately for a replacement.

Anaheim Hills Little League is part of Little League California District 30.

Registration refunds will be processed as follows: 100% before teams are formed, 50% once practices begin, and 0% once games begin.

Mandatory meetings, Umpire Trainings, and Field Day are MANDATORY.


Section 7 – Assignment of Players

League Age is defined as the age of the player on August 31 of that given year.

All players registered in the Majors, AAA & AA divisions will be evaluated on talent and may be drafted into the Upper Divisions (Majors, Triple A and Double A).  League Age Twelve (12) year olds must be drafted to a Majors team unless a waiver is accepted by Little League International.  League Age Eleven (11) and Ten (10) year olds may be drafted onto a Majors division team.  League Age Eleven (11), League Age Ten (10) and League Age Nine (9) year olds may be drafted onto a Triple A division team. League Age Ten (10) year olds and under can be drafted to a Double A team. League Age Ten (10) year olds who are considered for Majors will be voted on and approved by the Board of Directors. Official League Evaluator information can be used to present a case for the player. Parents who are requesting that their child be allowed to play up must email their request to the Upper Division Player Agent prior to Player Evaluations. Requesting that a child play up does not guarantee that the request will be honored. Requests from parents that their son or daughter play down in any division will be considered by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis.  An email to this effect must be submitted to the appropriate A.H.L.L. Player Agent prior to formation of teams.

League Age 11-13 year olds playing in the Intermediate Division will be drafted based on talent. League Age thirteen (13) year olds must play in the Intermediate division.

League Age Eight (8) year olds shall be assigned to a Single A division team or may be evaluated to play in the Double A division.  A League Age Eight (8) year old petitioning to play in the Double A division must have one (1) year pitching machine or hard ball experience.

League Age Seven (7) Year olds will be placed in the Rookie/Coach Pitch division or Single A division depending on previous experience.

League Age Six (6) year olds shall be assigned to a Rookie/Coach Pitch division team.  A League Age Six (6) year old playing in the Single A division must have one (1) year of T-Ball or Rookie/Coach Pitch (depending on the placement) experience before moving up to the next division.

League Age Four (4) and Five (5) year olds with no previous experience will be placed on a T-Ball division team.

Remember, placement in a certain division is based on player evaluation.

Section 8 – Selection of Managers

The A.H.L.L. Vice President shall submit all manager applications to the A.H.L.L. President for selection by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.

Majors division Manager applicants might be requested to be interviewed by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors. 

Managing considerations for all divisions shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

The ability to work with players of Little League age.

Appreciation of the philosophy of Little League Baseball.

The ability to instruct the game of baseball.

Knowledge of the game of baseball.

Past performance and reputation.

Seniority in A.H.L.L.

The managing considerations set forth above are not listed in any order of priority.  All listed managing considerations are of equal importance in the selection process and all will be considered by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.


Section 9 – Additional Manager Responsibilities

All Managers must attend all scheduled Manager meetings, or send a Board approved Assistant Coach.

Attend all Coaching Clinics and Umpire/Safety Trainings as directed by A.H.L.L.

Ensure all Assistant Coaches and Team Coordinators have completed the proper background screenings and fingerprinting prior to the beginning of the season.

All equipment and uniforms used will be A.H.L.L. issue only, or by prior approval of the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.  Full button down uniforms will only be allowed in the Juniors and Majors divisions due to safety concerns.  All A.H.L.L. equipment shall be itemized and signed for by the Manager.  All A.H.L.L. equipment shall be promptly returned to A.H.L.L. at the conclusion of the season, even if the equipment is damaged.

The care of A.H.L.L. playing fields are the responsibility of both Managers. The A.H.L.L. Field Coordinator will advise Managers what is required to properly maintain A.H.L.L. playing fields. Home team sets up the field (chalk the field, set up bases, water and drag the infield). Visiting team closes the fields down  (drags the infield, puts away bases, cleans up trash).

All Managers need to make sure all Coaches, players and families abide by the COVID return to play guidelines.


Section 10 – Player Selection

T-Ball, Rookie/Coach Pitch and Single A division players will be assigned to a team by geographic area, age and other considerations.

Juniors, Intermediate, Majors, Triple A and Double A divisions will use the serpentine draft system to draft players.

All players, except T-Ball, Rookie/Coach Pitch, and Single A players must attend Player Evaluations prior to the draft to be draftable.  Players who have not tried out will be pulled from a hat as a blind draft and will play in the lowest division their League Age will allow. All players League Age Eight (8) and up should attend Player Evaluations. The order of the draft for the Juniors, Intermediate, Majors, Triple A and Double A divisions will be pulled out of a hat at the time of the draft.

Only the Manager is permitted to attend the draft.

Manager Options shall be as follows:

Eight (8), Nine (9) and ten (10) year olds will be drafted in the fifth (5th) round.

(b) Eleven (11) year olds will be drafted in the fourth (4th) round.

(c) Twelve (12) year olds will be drafted in the third (3rd) round.

(d) Thirteen (13) year olds will be drafted in the fifth (5th) round.

(e) Fourteen (14) year olds will be drafted in the fourth (4th) round.

Coach Options: Prior to the draft, a Manager may have a Coach Option approved.  This Coach’s son or daughter will be picked in the first (1st) round of the draft. The Coach Option shall be the Coach of Record.  In the event that there is no Coach Option at the time of the draft, the Manager will notify the A.H.L.L. President or Vice President.  The Coach of Record will be observed throughout the season to ensure that he/she is present in the dugout with the Manager and the team at least seventy-five (75%) of all games.  “Ghost” Managers/Coaches will not be tolerated.  If the coach that was used as the first round Coach Option misses twenty-five (25%) percent or more of the games, all past and future games missed by that coach will be forfeited.  For example, if a team has 20 games, forfeitures will start once the 5th game is missed. All previous and future games missed by that coach will be forfeited.  This only pertains to the first round Coach Option.  If no coach option is used then you do not need to worry about this. 

Trades shall be finalized at the end of the draft.  Trades shall be player for player only, and shall require the approval of the appropriate A.H.L.L. Player Agent and the A.H.L.L. President.  Trades after the draft are not allowed without the prior approval of the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.  The applicable A.H.L.L. Player Agent must be immediately notified of all trades.

Trades with Board drafted teams will not be allowed.

Double A, Triple A, Majors, and Intermediate players new to the area will be able to join a team after a tryout , with the appropriate A.H.L.L. Player Agent and A.H.L.L. President approval. This player will then go to the team that would have had the next pick in the draft.  This can only happen after all other lower division play replacement options have been exhausted.



Section 11 – Discipline

Manager/Coach Discipline:

In accordance with the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated, any Manager or Coach ejected from a game is suspended for the next game.  A second ejection from a game will result in an expulsion from the season and a hearing before the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.

Failure to fulfill an umpiring assignment without a valid excuse will result in a suspension for the following game & a $25 fine for each occurrence. A second failure to fulfill an umpiring assignment will result in a hearing before the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors. The A.H.L.L. Board of Directors will determine if an excuse is valid or not.  A failure to fulfill an umpiring assignment shall also include providing an umpire that is not qualified.  A qualified umpire shall be defined as a person, thirteen (13) years of age or older, who has successfully completed either a District 30 or A.H.L.L. umpiring clinic.

Discipline for other violations, including violation of these By-Laws, the Code of Conduct, the COVID protocols, etc., will be at the discretion of the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.

Problems regarding Managers and Coaches are to be submitted to the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors in writing.

Managers or Coaches who have not completed the appropriate background check and fingerprinting will be banned from practices and the dugout during games until acceptable verification can be provided.

Player Discipline:

Problems regarding a player are to be submitted to the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors in writing.

A player will not be sat out of a game for disciplinary reasons without the prior approval of the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors or the A.H.L.L. President. The appropriate A.H.L.L. Player Agent shall be notified of all such actions.

In accordance with the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated, any player ejected from a game is suspended for the next game.

All decisions regarding discipline are final.

In addition to disciplining a Manager, Coach or player, the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors have the authority to suspend or terminate participation in A.H.L.L.

If a Manager or Coach is suspended for a game, the Manager or Coach may not be present at any A.H.L.L. facility/complex during the game.

If a player is ejected from the game, the player may remain in the dugout, and shall have no further participation in the game.  The player may not be in the dugout when suspended for a future game.  The player can attend the game but not in the field or dugout.

Records of league violations will be kept by the Board of Directors and will affect the ability of applying Managers to participate in the capacity of  Manager/Coach/Volunteer/Umpire/Board Member in subsequent years. 

Discipline may also affect the ability to coach or play in All Stars. 


Section 12 – Replacement of Players

Teams shall maintain a complete roster of players.  Manager and Coach options are not available as replacement players.  The Majors division will be replaced from the Triple A division; or a waiting list of League Age Twelve (12) year olds or returning Major players with Board of Directors approval. The Triple A and Double A divisions must take available League Age Eleven (11), Ten (10) and Nine (9) year old players from the A.H.L.L. waiting list.  If there is not a waiting list, a team may recruit a player.

All player replacements are subject to approval by the A.H.L.L. President and appropriate Player Agent.

Within twenty-four (24) hours, a Manager must notify the appropriate A.H.L.L. Player Agent of a lost player.  Failure to do so shall result in disciplinary action by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.

No later than seven (7) days following the loss of a player, a Manager must select a replacement player.  If, after seven (7) days, the Manager has not selected a replacement player, the appropriate A.H.L.L. Player Agent will select a replacement player.

Replacement players will become a member of their new team effective 12:01 a.m. of each Sunday.

Under no circumstance will a second replacement player be taken from a team until all teams in the same division have lost a player to replacement.

Players shall not be replaced during the last two (2) weeks of the season.

Unless injured or ill, a player who does not attend fifty percent (50%) of all scheduled games in a two (2) week period shall be replaced.

If a Majors team loses a player and needs to select a new player off of a Triple A team, they must notify the Player Agent of their choice.

The Player Agent will contact the Manager of the Triple A team and notify him that a player from his team is being drafted into Majors. In the event the Manager or player’s parent refuses to allow the player to make the move to Majors, the Player Agent will select another player from another team. Exception to the above rule would be if the parent of a player has written on their child’s original application that under no circumstances will he/she allow his/her child to play in Majors.

The Player Agent can create a pool of  “borrowed” players from existing regular season teams.  The pool can be created with players that are willing to participate in extra games during the regular season when teams face a shortage of rostered players for a regular season game. See Alternate Method of Operation – The Regular Season Green Book.


Section 13 – Minimum Playing Time

It is the policy of A.H.L.L. to ensure that every player participates in each game.

All divisions will hit the entire line up.

Junior and Intermediate division minimum playing time shall be in accordance with the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated, unless otherwise modified by District 30.

Majors and Triple A division minimum defensive playing time shall be nine (9) defensive outs in each game. Six (6) of those outs must be consecutive.  If a player does not play nine (9) defensive outs, that player must be in the starting lineup for the next game.  If a team has 13 or more players, the nine (9) defensive outs don’t have to be consecutive. All players will bat in order throughout the game regardless of having played in the field in any particular inning.

For Double A, Single A and Rookie/Coach Pitch divisions, substitutions will be made every inning so that no player sits out two (2) consecutive innings.  No player will sit out two (2) innings until all players have sat out one (1) inning.  All players will bat in order throughout the game regardless of having played in the field in any particular inning.

Double A players shall play a minimum of one (1) inning in the infield (catcher and pitcher count as infield positions). 

T-Ball and Rookie/Coach Pitch divisions have no minimum playing time, as all players bat and are in the field throughout all games.

Violations of minimum playing time rules may be grounds for a game protest.

T-Ball, Rookie/Coach Pitch, and Single A division players shall not play the same position for more than two (2) innings.  All players in these divisions shall play one (1) inning in the infield. 


Section 14 – Games

All games will start in accordance with the game schedules issued each season by the A.H.L.L. Umpire in Chief or A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.  Game start times may be changed if both managers agree to the change and:

approval of the change is obtained from the A.H.L.L. Umpire in Chief at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the game. Managers/Coaches cannot reschedule games without the approval of the A.H.L.L. Umpire in Chief.  Holidays, vacations, or schedule conflicts are not acceptable reasons for the rescheduling of games.

If, for any reason, a game cannot be played as scheduled, each manager shall notify the A.H.L.L. Umpire in Chief at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance. This does not mean the game will be rescheduled.  The only valid reasons for the rescheduling of a game will be due to religious or school related activities in accordance with the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated. 

Rain delayed A.H.L.L. games will be played on the first available Sunday.  All interleague rainout games will be rescheduled ASAP with the other league. Games that are rained out or canceled due to COVID reasons shall be rescheduled in the exact order they were canceled.  If a Manager cannot field a team on the rescheduled date, the Manager will forfeit the game.  Canceled games shall be scheduled for that Monday or the first available open date for both teams the immediate following week.  Teams may be required to play 3 games in 1 week.

With all Double A, Triple A and Majors games, a new inning may not start after two (2) hours from the start of the game. If an inning started before the two (2) hour time limit, the inning will be completed. If the game is tied after the two (2) hour time limit and there is no subsequent game, the game may be continued for one (1) additional inning and at the discretion of the Umpire, or if weather is not a factor.

Mercy Rule:

Intermediate Division:  If, after four (4) complete innings or three and one-half (3 and ½) innings if the home team is ahead, a team has a lead of fifteen (15) or more runs or ten (10) runs after five (5) innings or four and one-half (4 and ½), the Manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the game to the other team.

Majors and Triple A Division:  Fifteen (15) runs after three (3) complete innings, the team with the least runs shall concede the game. If, after four (4) complete innings or three and one-half (3 and ½) innings if the home team is ahead, a team has a lead of ten (10) or more runs, the Manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the game to the other team.

Double A division:  If, after three (3) complete innings, a team is ahead by fifteen (15) or more runs, the Manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the game to the other team.

There is no mercy rule in the Single A, Rookie/Coach Pitch, and T-Ball divisions as game scores are not kept.


Section 15 – Other Team Rules

The home team will always use the third base dugout and will always bat in the bottom of the inning.

Both teams are responsible for field maintenance and clean-up. Home team sets up (chalks the field, drags and waters the infield and sets up the bases). Away team closes down (drags and waters the infield, fills/tamps batter’s boxes and pitching mound, pulls up bases and cleans up trash).

In each applicable division, the winning team shall be responsible for turning in the official score. A.H.L.L. Manager is responsible for turning in the official score for all interleague games regardless of a win or loss.

A player with a cast or splint is not permitted to play.

Players shall not wear jewelry of any kind, including watches.  Cell phones are not allowed in the dugout or on the field of play.

Batting helmets should not have any decals, numbers, initials or other markings put on the helmet by yourself or the manufacturer, or otherwise approved by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.

All players must be in regulation uniform issued by A.H.L.L. (i.e. jersey, and hat), and all players must wear coordinating pants, sleeves, socks and belts.

All players must be properly equipped at all games in accordance with the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated.  It is a requirement that all male players in all divisions wear a hard cup or similar protection at all games and practices.

The Scorekeeper for the home team is the Official Scorekeeper for the game. The Scorekeeper must sit in a location accessible to the Umpire.  The Scorekeeper should not sit in the dugout with the team.

In the Majors, Triple A, Double A, and Single A divisions, Managers may be given umpiring assignments.  A manager may trade an umpiring assignment with another Manager, but must receive prior approval from the A.H.L.L. Umpire in Chief.  Failure to obtain prior approval may result in disciplinary action.

If, due to an unexpected emergency, a Manager cannot fulfill an umpiring assignment, the Manager must immediately notify the A.H.L.L. Umpire in Chief.

In the Juniors, Intermediate, Majors, Triple A, Double A, and Single A divisions, batting practice at the field of play is not allowed, unless such batting practice is conducted using “whiffle balls.” For the purposes of the Paragraph, the term “field of play” is defined as the entire A.H.L.L. facility/complex at Crescent Elementary School and Anaheim Hills Elementary. Batting practice at the cages is allowed up to 1 hour before the game is to begin.

In the Juniors, Intermediate, Majors, Triple A, Double A, and Single A divisions, coaching of any kind from other than the field of play is not allowed (i.e., there will be no coaching from the “sidelines”). Coaching on the playing field shall be limited to coaching in the dugout/bullpen, base coaching, and operation of Single A pitching machine, offensive timeouts and defensive timeouts.

In the Juniors, Intermediate, Majors, Triple A, Double A, and Single A divisions, only Board approved Managers and Coaches are allowed on the field of play during a game, even if a team is short of Board approved Coaches for a game.

In the Juniors, Intermediate, Majors, Triple A, and Double A divisions, there shall be no more than (3) Board approved Coaches on the field of play during a game, including the Manager.  Single A will have no more than (4) Board approved Coaches including the Manager. During a game, a Manager or Coach shall not “shuffle” Coaches in and out of the field of play between innings.  Unless a Manager or Coach leaves a game early, the three (3) Coaches who started the game on the field of play shall remain on the field of play throughout the game.  If a team starts a game without three (3) Coaches on the field of play, a team may add Board approved Coaches to the field of play during the game, if such Coaches become available.

For the purposes Paragraph 14 and 16 of this Section, the term “field of play” for the Majors, Triple A, Double A and Single A divisions is defined as, (a) that portion of the field in fair territory, (b) the dugouts/bullpens, and (c) that portion of foul territory within the fencing that surrounds the field. For purposes of Paragraphs 14 through 16 of this Section, the term “field of play” for the Juniors division is defined as, (a) that portion of the field in fair territory, (b) the dugouts/bullpens, and (c) that portion of the foul territory extending ten (10) feet from foul territory.

In the Juniors, Intermediate, Majors, Triple A, Double A and Single A divisions, Managers and Coaches shall not play catch with the players and shall not warm up players. If time permits, teams may take infield prior to the game provided it does not interfere with the previous game. For example, if there is a 20 minute window before your game starts, each team gets 10 minutes of field time.

Any team practicing on a field is not required to relinquish their practice space to a higher division team with any less than 30 minutes’ notice unless: the team being asked to move is using a field during a time assigned by A.H.L.L. to the team making the request in which case the field space should be cleared immediately.

If the field use is unassigned and if comparable practice space is available to the higher division team but is in use by a non-permitted user or not in use at all, the higher division team cannot request the lower division team move.  It is the responsibility of the Manager/Coach seeking practice space to inform non- permitted users to vacate the field and make room for A.H.L.L. permitted use.


Section 16 – All-Stars

Each Manager in Intermediate, Majors, and Triple A will receive a ballot listing all eligible players from all teams with the exception of their own.  The Manager will vote at the end of the season for ten players who he/she feels will best represent A.H.L.L. on the All Star team. A maximum for four (4) of those players can be from their own team.

The Player Agent will count the votes.

Once a team of ten is formed, the Board of Directors will have the option to take one discretionary pick and the All Star Manager will have one pick to form a team of 12.  In the event the All Star Manager decides to form a team of 13 players, he/she will be given another Manager’s pick.

The Board of Directors has the option to pass on their discretionary All Star pick if they so choose.

All-Star voting is a confidential process.  Voting results will not be released until such release is authorized by Little League Baseball Incorporated.

All-Star votes will be tabulated as follows:

There will be one (1) 12U All- Star team which will be made up of League Age Twelve (12) and League Age Eleven (11) year olds. The All-Star team Manager will then select the remaining players to complete the roster. This team will be selected first.

There will be one (1) 10U All-Star team which will be made up of League Age Ten (10) year olds and possibly League Age Nine (9) year olds. The All-Star team Manager will then select the remaining players to complete the all-star team roster.  Which will be selected second.

There may be one (1) 11U All-Star team which will be made up of League Age Eleven (11) year olds. If agreed by the Board of Directors, there will be an All-Star team made up of League Age Eleven (11) & Ten (10) year olds not selected to the 12U Twelve (12) and 10U Ten (10) year old All-Star teams. The All-Star team Manager will select the remaining players on the All-Star team roster.  This will be selected last.

A parent can turn down an All-Star team with a two (2) year differential age gap.

The total number of players on All-Star team rosters shall be in accordance with the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated.  The All-Star Manager shall have sole decision making rights when the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated give the All-Star Manager discretion in the number of players on an All-Star team roster.

The All-Star team Manager for the Twelve (12U), Eleven (11U) and Ten (10U) year old A.H.L.L. All- Star team will be Board approved and may not necessarily be the Manager with the best overall record.  The Manager of the 1st Place Majors team will be offered the manager role of  the 12U All-Star team if approved by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.  The Manager of the  1st place AAA team will be offered the manager role of the 10U All-Star team if approved by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors. The Manager of the 11U All-Star team will be appointed by the Board of Directors.

If, for any reason, a Manager cannot serve as an All-Star Manager, the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors will select the All-Star Manager.

All-Star coaches of record will be selected by the All-Star Managers.  The A.H.L.L. Board of Directors encourages and recommends the appointment of the overall second place Manager as one of the All-Star coaches of record. However, this recommendation is discretionary, not mandatory.

All-Star Managers represent the A.H.L.L., and proper behavior must be shown at all times.  The A.H.L.L. Board of Directors reserves the right to suspend or remove All- Star managers and/or coaches at any time.

All-Star teams will receive funds from the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors for expenses related to Al-Star teams. The amount of these funds shall be at the discretion of the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.  Families may be asked to contribute $50 towards these expenses.  All-Star managers (a) shall use these funds solely for All-Star related activities, (b) shall provide the A.H.L.L. Treasurer with a full accounting of the use of these funds upon request, including all receipts of expenses, and (c) shall return to the A.H.L.L. Treasurer all funds not used.


Section 17 – Team Standings:

Team standings will be kept by A.H.L.L. in the Majors, Triple A and Double A divisions.  All games played will count for the purpose of team standings.  In the Junior Division, District 30 officials shall determine the process for recording and maintenance of team standings.

All interleague games will count towards your A.H.L.L. record/standings.

City Tournaments will not count towards your A.H.L.L. record/standings.

Both Managers shall immediately (by end of game day) inform the League Umpire in Charge at [email protected] with the official score and player pitch counts.

Until an official email is sent to the League Umpire in Charge, participating teams will be credited with a loss.  Win or lose, the Interleague Manager must email their score to [email protected].

Team standings will be kept by the Master Scorekeeper.  All efforts will be made by the Manager and Master Scorekeeper to ensure that current standings are posted periodically on the A.H.L.L. website located at

Each A.H.L.L. season will be divided into two (2) halves.  All applicable divisions will have a first place team and a second place team in each half, determined as follows:

In the event two (2) or more teams have the same number of wins/losses at the end of a half, the team with the most wins in direct competition with the other team will be declared the first place team for that half, and the other team will be declared the second place team.

In the event that a first place team cannot be established by total wins in direct competition, and there are only two (2) teams still tied, there will be a one (1) game playoff to determine the first place team for the half.

In the event that a first place team cannot be established by total wins in direct competition or cumulative margin of victory combined for all games, i.e., there are still three (3) tied teams, the A.H.L.L. Umpire in Chief will conduct a coin toss to establish the first and second place teams for the half.

If the first place team for each half is a different team, there will be a one (1) game playoff to determine the first place team for the overall season.  That playoff game will be the first Wednesday after the regular season.  The loser of the playoff game would be the second place team for the overall season.  If the same team is the first place team for both halves, it will be declared the first place team for the overall season.  The second place team for the overall season will then be determined as follows:

Best overall record using win / loss percentage.

If the best overall record does not establish a second place team, direct competition, as outlined above, will be the next tie-breaking criteria.

If win/loss percentage for all games does not establish a second place team, a coin toss will be used to establish the second place team for the overall season.


Section 18 – Protests

The protesting Manager must document a game or other protest within twenty- four (24) hours of the end of the protested game or the incident being protested. The protest must be in writing.  In the manager’s absence, a protest may be made and submitted by any coach of record.  Protests shall be submitted to the A.H.L.L. Umpire in Chief, the A.H.L.L. President or the A.H.L.L. Vice President.

In order for the protest to be valid, the following must occur:

The protesting Manager must notify the home plate Umpire and the Official Scorekeeper that the game is under protest.  This notification to the Umpire and the Scorekeeper must be made immediately following the incident, before any subsequent play commences (e.g. the next pitch being thrown.). The Manager and the home plate Umpire must sign both the scorebook and line-up card, at the time of the protest. Signed line-up card should be turned in to the A.H.L.L. Vice President at the Snack Shack.

The protest must not be over a judgment call (e.g., a called ball or strike).

The A.H.L.L. President, the A.H.L.L. Umpire in Chief, the appropriate A.H.L.L. Player Agent and one (1) other A.H.L.L. A Board member who is not an Umpire or Manager/Coach in that division shall rule on the protest.  The A.H.L.L. President will select the participating Board member. Managers may be asked to attend a protest hearing, although a protest hearing is discretionary.

The A.H.L.L. Umpire in Chief will notify the protesting Manager, in writing, of the ruling on the protest.





Section 19 – Alteration of Regular Season Playing Rules

Managers in all A.H.L.L. divisions may not mutually agree to alter or otherwise change A.H.L.L. regular season playing rules.


Section 20 – A.H.L.L. Regular Season Playing Rules for Juniors & Intermediate

Unless otherwise modified by California District 30, the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated shall apply to all A.H.L.L. Juniors division games.

Unless otherwise modified by California District 30, all applicable A.H.L.L. game and safety rules shall apply to all A.H.L.L. Junior division games.


Section 21 – A.H.L.L. Regular Season Playing Rules for Majors

Unless otherwise stated herein, the official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated shall apply to all A.H.L.L. Majors division games.

All applicable A.H.L.L. game and safety rules shall apply to all A.H.L.L. Majors division games.

Throughout the game, all players will bat in the order they are listed on the lineup card, even though nine (9) defensive players will play in the field at any given time.

No maximum runs per inning.

Post-season awards will be given as follows: three (3) or less teams will have 1st place only, four to seven (4-7) teams will have 1st & 2nd place, eight (8) or more teams will have 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards.


Section 22 – A.H.L.L. Regular Season Playing Rules for Triple A

Unless otherwise stated herein, the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated, as they apply to the Triple A division, shall apply to all A.H.L.L. Triple A division games,

All applicable A.H.L.L. game and safety rules shall apply to all A.H.L.L. Triple A division games.

Throughout the game, all players will bat in the order they are listed on the lineup card, even though nine (9) defensive players will play in the field at any given time.

Maximum runs per inning at half inning shall consist of the following, whichever comes first:  Three (3) outs or when the offensive team has scored first (5) runs in the half inning. Exceptions to the five runs max rules are: 

An offensive team can score more than five (5) runs in a half inning ONLY when an OVER THE FENCE HOME RUN occurs.  The runs scored on an OVER THE FENCE HOME RUN in excess of five (5) will count, but the half inning will immediately end.  For example, the offensive team has scored four (4) runs in the half inning, and there are two runners on base. The batter hits a home run, resulting in three (3) more runs scoring for a total of seven (7) for the half inning. All seven (7) runs would count, but the half inning would then immediately end.

Post-season awards will be given as follows: three (3) or less teams will have 1st place only, four to seven (4-7) teams will have 1st & 2nd place, eight (8) or more teams will have 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards.


Section 23 – A.H.L.L. Regular Season Playing Rules for Double A

Unless otherwise stated herein, the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated, as they apply to the Double A division, shall apply to all A.H.L.L. Double A division games.

All applicable A.H.L.L. game and safety rules shall apply to all A.H.L.L. Double A division games.

Throughout the game, all players will bat in the order they are listed on the lineup card, even though ten (10) defensive players will play in the field at any given time.

Substitutions will be made every inning so that no player sits out two (2) consecutive innings.  No player shall sit out two (2) innings until all players have sat out one (1) inning.

Throughout the game, both teams will use ten (10) defensive players, six (6) players in the infield, and four (4) players evenly dispersed in the outfield. A Manager/Coach shall not position an outfielder directly behind second base at any time.

Maximum runs per inning at half inning shall consist of the following, whichever comes first:

Three (3) outs;

When the offensive team has scored first (5) runs in the half inning.

Exceptions to the five runs max rules are:

An offensive team can score more than five (5) runs in a half inning ONLY when an OVER THE FENCE HOME RUN occurs.

The runs scored on an OVER THE FENCE HOME RUN in excess of five (5) will count, but the half inning will immediately end.

For example, the offensive team has scored four (4) runs in the half inning, and there are two runners on base. The batter hits a home run, resulting in three (3) more runs scoring for a total of seven (7) for the half inning. All seven (7) runs would count, but the half inning would then immediately end.

This rule is suspended for the final inning of the  game which may be ruled as an inning before the sixth inning if the game could be shortened due to weather or darkness in the Umpire’s opinion.

Illegal pitches will be called by the Umpires, and a warning will be given to the pitcher so that pitchers will begin to understand what an illegal pitch is. There will be no other penalty.

Managers and/or Coaches will be the base coaches.

Post-season awards will be given as follows: three (3) or less teams will have 1st place only, four to seven (4-7) teams will have 1st & 2nd place, eight (8) or more teams will have 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards..

Baserunners are not allowed to advance home from third base on wild pitches or passed balls.  Baserunners must be batted-in or forced-in by a walk, hit batter, or a ruling by an umpire allowing the runner to advance and score.

Mercy rule for Double AA division is 15 runs after four (4) innings or 3.5 innings if the home team is ahead.


Section 24 – A.H.L.L. Regular Season Playing Rules for Single A

Unless otherwise stated herein, the official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated, as they apply to the Single A division, shall apply to all A.H.L.L. Single A division games.

All applicable A.H.L.L. game and safety rules shall apply to all A.H.L.L. Single A division games.

Throughout the game, all players will bat in the order they are listed on the lineup card, even though ten (10) defensive players will play in the field at any given time.

Substitutions will be made every inning so that no player sits out two (2) consecutive innings.  No player will sit out two (2) innings until all players have sat out one (1) inning.  A player may not play the same defensive position more than 2 innings in a game. 

Throughout the game, both teams will use ten (10) defensive players, six (6) players in the infield, and four (4) players evenly dispersed in the outfield.  A Manager/Coach shall not position an outfielder directly behind second base at any time.

Batters will hit against a Blue Flame pitching machine provided by A.H.L.L. at 40.5 feet from the back of the plate and set at 336.

There will be no stealing of bases at any time.

Managers and/or Coaches will be the base coaches.

A half inning shall consist of three (3) defensive outs or the entire lineup, whichever occurs first.

A batter can strike out.  A batter cannot walk.  There will be no called balls.  A first and second strike will only be charged to a batter if the batter, (a) hits the ball into foul territory, or (b) swings the bat and misses the ball.  A swinging third strike shall be charged to a batter in accordance with the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated.

The “infield fly rule” shall not apply.

Bunting is not allowed at any time.

Game scores and team standings will not be kept.  Scorebooks will be kept for informational purposes only.  All post-season awards will be participatory only. The type of award will be determined by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.

A batted or thrown ball that hits the pitching machine or the person operating the pitching machine is a live ball.  The person operating the pitching machine must make all reasonable efforts to avoid being hit by a batted or thrown ball.

The pitcher must wear a batting helmet at all times, and one foot must be in the pitcher’s circle until the ball is hit.

The Manager or a Coach of the offensive team will operate the pitching machine each half inning.

Fielders should be encouraged to attempt defensive putouts. 

ONE BASE ON AN OVERTHROW RULE: When a fielded ball is overthrown at ANY base, the runner(s) may attempt to reach next base at their own risk. If the runner is put out, the out stands. The rule applies to runners on ANY base (ie... runner on 2nd may attempt to score on an overthrow at 1st in an attempt to get batter/runner out, batter/runner may attempt to reach 2nd).

Play is stopped when a player has control of the ball inside of the outside edge of the basepaths with his/her hands raised up.  There is no halfway rule. The runner goes back to the last base crossed when play is stopped by the fielder.  The fielder still has the option to continue play and attempt a play on any runner before he/she has stopped play.

The defensive Manager or Coach behind second base will be the umpire for that half inning.

Each batter is given 6 pitches. Batter may continue if the last pitch is fouled off.


Section 25 – A.H.L.L. Regular Season Playing Rules for Rookie/Coach Pitch

Unless otherwise stated herein, the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated, as they apply to the Rookie/Coach Pitch division, shall apply to all A.H.L.L. Rookie/Coach Pitch division games.

All applicable A.H.L.L. game and safety rules shall apply to all A.H.L.L. Rookie/Coach Pitch division games.

Throughout the game, all players will bat in the order they are listed on the lineup card, even though ten (10) defensive players will play in the field at any given time.

Substitutions will be made every inning so that no player sits out two (2) consecutive innings.  No player will sit out two (2) innings until all players have sat out one (1) inning.

Throughout the game, both teams will use ten (10) defensive players, six (6) players in the infield, and four (4) players evenly dispersed in the outfield.  A Manager/Coach shall not position an outfielder directly behind second base at any time.

A player may not play the same defensive position for more than two (2) innings in a game.

All games will be played with an “incredible ball” or “safe ball” provided by the A.H.L.L. Hard balls are not allowed at any time.

Hitters will bat against pitches thrown by their Manager or Coach from the pitcher’s circle.  Pitches may be overhand or underhand.  The Manager or Coach will deliver six (6) pitches to each hitter.  Balls and strikes will not count. If, by the sixth (6th) pitch, the batter has not hit the ball, the batting T will be used thereafter until the batter hits the ball.

There will be no stealing of bases at any time.

Managers and/or Coaches will be the base coaches.

Managers and Coaches of the defensive team may be on the field (limit two) to provide coaching and instruction to defensive players.

A half inning will end when all players on the offensive team have had a turn at bat.

The “infield fly rule” will not apply.

Bunting is not allowed at any time.

Games scores and team standings will not be kept.  All post-season awards will be participatory only. The type of award will be determined by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.

A batted or thrown ball that hits a Manager or Coach is a live ball.  Managers and Coaches must make all reasonable efforts to avoid being hit by a batted or thrown ball.

The pitcher must wear a batting helmet at all times, and both feet must be in the pitching circle until the ball is hit.

When a ball is hit to the outfield, play is dead when the defense gets the ball to the infield. When a ball is hit to the infield, play is dead when the defense throws the ball in the intended direction of the pitcher.  Players in the outfield and infield may not hold the ball. When the play is dead, runners shall advance to the next base if they are more than halfway to the next base or shall return to the previous base if they are not more than halfway to the next base.  If after the play is dead, the pitcher or any other defensive player makes a play or throws the ball, this will have no effect on the game as play is already dead.

Balls that are thrown to first or third base will be live balls if they hit the fencing, otherwise an overthrown ball at either first or third base will result in the runner(s) advancing one (1) base.

All games will be four (4) complete innings or one and one-half (1 and ½) hours in length, whichever occurs first.  An inning started just prior to the time limit will be completed.

Sliding is not permitted at any time.

“On-Deck” hitters are not permitted at any time.  All offensive players who are not hitting shall be seated on the team bench.  This safety rule will be strictly enforced!

The Manager or Coach pitching to the batter will be the Umpire for that half inning.

After the last game of the day, both Managers will be responsible for returning the bases to the equipment shed.

A ball hit in the air over the grass limit line in the outfield will be a home run.

A game may be played even if one (1) or both teams have less than nine (9) players present at the game.



Section 26 – A.H.L.L. Regular Season Playing Rules for T-Ball

Unless otherwise stated herein, the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated, as they apply to the T-Ball division, shall apply to all A.H.L.L. T-Ball games.

All applicable A.H.L.L. game and safety rules shall apply to all A.H.L.L. T-Ball division games.

Throughout the game, all players will bat in the order they are listed on the line- up card.

All players will play defensively in the field in every inning, a maximum of six (6) defensive players in the infield.

A player may not play the same defensive position for more than one (1) inning.

All games will be played with an “incredible ball” or “safe ball” provided by the A.H.L.L..  Hard balls are not allowed at any time.

All hitters will hit off a batting T provided by the A.H.L.L.. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Strikes will not count.  All batters will bat until they hit the ball into fair territory.

There will be no stealing of bases at any time.

Managers and/or Coaches will be the base coaches.

Managers and Coaches of the defensive team may be on the field (limit four) to provide coaching and instruction to defensive players.

A half inning will end when all players on the offensive team have had a turn at bat.

The “infield fly rule” will not apply.

Bunting is not allowed at any time.

Game scores and team standings will not be kept.  All post-season awards will be participatory only. The type of award will be determined by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors.

A batted or thrown ball that hits a Manager or Coach is a live ball.  Managers and Coaches must make all reasonable efforts to avoid being hit by a batted or thrown ball.

The pitcher must wear a batting helmet at all times, and both feet must be in the pitching circle until the ball is unit.

When a ball is hit to the outfield, play is dead when the defense gets the ball to the infield. When a ball is hit to the infield, play is dead when the defense throws the ball in the intended direction of the pitcher.  Players in the outfield and infield may not hold the ball.  When the play is dead, runners shall advance to the next base if they are more than halfway to the next base or shall return to the previous base if they are not more than halfway to the next base.   If after the play is dead, the pitcher or any other defensive play makes a play or throws the ball, this will have no effect on the game as play is already dead.

Balls that are thrown to first or third base will be live balls if they hit fencing, otherwise an overthrown ball at either first or third base will result in the runner(s) advancing one (1) base.

All games will be three (3) complete innings or one and one-half (1 and ½) hours in length, whichever occurs first.  An inning started just prior to the time limit will be completed.

There will be no make-up games.

Sliding is not permitted at any time.

“On-Deck” hitters are not permitted at any time.  All offensive players who are not hitting shall be seated on the team bench.  This safety rule will be strictly enforced!

After the last game of the day, both Managers will be responsible for returning the bases to the equipment shed.

A ball hit in the air over the grass limit line in the outfield will be a home run.

A game may be played even if one (1) or both teams have less than nine (9) players at the game.


Section 27 – A.H.L.L. Regular Season Safety Rules

Safety issues can arise at any time, in any context and in any situation.  Failure to address safety issues can have serious consequences.  Therefore, it is the policy of the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors that safety is given the highest priority.  As such, the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors will not tolerate safety violations and safety will be conscientiously monitored. Board members are not always present when safety issues can and do arise.  Therefore, all Managers, Coaches, players, Umpires and parents must be keenly aware of potential safety concerns and must immediately deal with such concerns.  Safety is everyone’s responsibility.  As responsible adults, we owe this to our children.

The following A.H.L.L. safety rules are mandatory:

All base coaches (adults and players) shall not take their places on the playing field until just before the first pitch of the half inning is to be thrown.

All players shall wear an approved batting helmet when coaching a base.

All hitters must wear an approved batting helmet.

Except when being used, all field gates must be closed during a game.

Except when being used, all dugout gates must be closed during a game.

Players shall not have a bat in their hands, except when batting.

There are no “On-Deck” hitters in Little League Baseball (Juniors & Intermediate Division excepted).

Before each game and practice, Managers/Coaches shall make sure all players are properly equipped in accordance with the Official Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball Incorporated.

Before each game and practice, Managers/Coaches shall make sure all players are not wearing jewelry of any kind, including watches.

Managers/Coaches must have in their possession all player medical releases and signed concussion and COVID forms when supervising players.

Dented bats may not be used at any time. Bats must adhere to regulations set forth by Little League Incorporated and must have USA Baseball certification.

Cracked batting helmets may not be used at any time.

Metal cleats are not allowed in Little League (Juniors & Intermediate division excepted).

Any player used as a “bat boy” shall wear a batting helmet (this can only be a player on that team).

The listing of mandatory safety rules set forth above is not intended by the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors to be complete.  It is impossible to ever have a comprehensive listing of potential safety concerns.  The key to all safety issues is to (a) give safety the highest priority, and (b) use common sense!






Section 28 – Post-Season & Tournament Play

Juniors, Intermediate, Majors, Triple A and Double A divisions, teams and individual players may have the opportunity to participate in post-season games, sponsored either by Little League Baseball Incorporated or by California District 30.  These post-season games and tournaments are governed by special games rules and regulations.  Therefore, Little League Baseball Incorporated and A.H.L.L. regular season game rules and regulations may not apply to these special games.  A.H.L.L. Managers, Coaches, players and Umpires participating in such special games should make themselves familiar with these special game rules and regulations. Rules of Play will be provided by the host of the game or tournament.


Section 29 – Adoption/ Amendment

These By-Laws shall be adopted each year at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of the season by a majority vote of the members of the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors present at a duly noticed meeting. The A.H.L.L. Board of Directors shall strive to avoid amending these By-Laws during the season to help ensure continuity during each season. Notwithstanding this, these By-Laws may be amended at any time by a majority vote of the members of the A.H.L.L. Board of Directors present at the duly noticed meeting.



2021 Little League Helmet C-Flap Standard

"The safety of all our participants is our utmost concern, and, like the vast majority of youth organizations, Little League® requires our batters to wear helmets that meet National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE) specifications and bear the NOCSAE stamp.

As the popularity of helmet attachments (c-flap, etc.) increase throughout baseball and softball, Little League® International has begun to receive inquiries from our families, players, and volunteers as to whether or not they’re permitted in Little League play.

Altering a helmet in anyway (drilling holes, removing padding, etc.) may cause a manufacturer to void the NOCSAE certification of that helmet, making it illegal to use in Little League play. If you have altered your helmet or intend to, please contact the helmet manufacturer to determine if altering the helmet will void the NOCSAE certification.

In order to use a helmet attachment in Little League play, the helmet manufacturer must provide a notice indicating that affixing the protector to the helmet has not voided the helmet’s NOCSAE certification. That notice must be shown to the umpire prior to the game. Little League International has issued a 
HELMET MANUFACTURING LETTERS (scroll to bottom for complete list of manufacturer letters) for clarification on whether or not adding to their helmets voids their NOCSAE certification"


Child Safety, Protection and Abuse Awareness Program 2022


The safety and well-being of all Anaheim Hills Little League and Softball players is our main priority.  We want to ensure that everyone playing in our League can grow up happy, healthy and, above all, safe. Whether they are our children, or the children of others, each of us has a responsibility to protect them.

Unfortunately, there are those who would seek to do harm to these children, to rob them of their right to feel safe and grow up in a free and healthy environment. These are child abusers, and although it is not an easy or pleasant topic for any of us to think about, the fact remains that child abuse happens. In 1998, Little League International launched the Child Protection Program to educate local league volunteers, with the goal of creating local league programs where only those who have the best interests of children in mind are involved. Like many national youth organizations, Little League seeks to attract the most qualified and enthusiastic volunteers to assist our programs. At the same time, we must be aware that this could make us a target for child abusers, since statistics show that the largest number of sexually abused children are young children. Clearly, dealing with child abuse is a major concern for everyone involved in Little League, from the Little League International staff to the local league volunteers.

The Abuse Awareness for Adults courses provide resources to create a positive and safe environment for all athletes, coaches, parents, legal guardians, umpires and spectators by understanding how to recognize misconduct and abuse of all types. Topics covered include how to identify and report incidents and what abuse awareness policies should be in place. A short four minute video can be found at




Here are some key bullet points in dealing with this important topic:

-Make our position clear. Little League has a clearly defined policy for dealing with child abuse. Make adults and kids aware that Little League will not tolerate child abuse in any form. Suspected abuse must be reported and retaliation for good faith reporting is prohibited.

-Stress the role of adults. Children should be encouraged to take an active role in protecting themselves, but ultimately the responsibility for ensuring their safety rests with us, the grown- ups. We are better able to identify potentially uncomfortable situations, for ourselves as well as for them. The welfare of our Little Leaguers is the highest priority in any situation.

-Encourage the “Buddy system.” It’s an old maxim, but it’s true: There is safety in numbers. Encourage our kids to move about in groups of two or more children of similar age, whether an adult is present or not. This includes travel, leaving the field, or using the restroom areas. It’s far more difficult to victimize a child if they’re not alone. Adopt additional reasonable procedures to limit one-on-one interactions between minor athletes and an adult. All interactions between minors and adults should be observable and within an interruptible distance of another adult.




For more information regarding the Child Protection Program please visit:













Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)



•      SCA is not heart attack but is caused by a malfunction in the heart’s electrical system or structure.

•      Is congenital and develops with age.

•      Symptoms can be ignored or unrecognized

•      SCA warning signs and symptoms

•      Racing heart rate or heart palpitations.

•      Dizziness or lightheadedness especially with exercise.

•      Repeated unexplained fainting.

•      Fainting when excited, startled, during exercise or right after exercise.

•      Seizures during or immediately after exercise.

•      Chest pain or discomfort with exercise.




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